Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Farm

Last week I went to the unique community called The Farm in Summertown, TN. This is home of famous midwife Ina May Gaskin. Ina May wrote Spiritual Midwifery, and Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. There was a peer review meeting held, and I was honored to participate. Ina May, Pamela Hunt, Stacie Hunt, and Joanne Santana were among the Farm midwives who participated in the peer review discussion. It was such a privilege to share my thoughts on midwifery with what I consider to be the best midwives in the country.


  1. I'm glad you found friends who have things in common. It's important to have that support.

  2. They are the best!!! I am forever grateful to the Farm and to you Tori for being so wonderful to me and my baby...Don't ever forget that what you do is a gift.
    -Elijah's mom;)

  3. Ina May Gaskin and Pamela Hunt are horrible people. They stole my house from me and are using it for the Farm midwives. I am sick of hearing how wonderful they are — while the flip side is that they plunged my partner and me into poverty and homelessness — while refusing to even discuss the house theft, looking down from their wealthy, queenly heights.
